Pet Health: What You Need to Know

Pet Health: What You Need to Know

Spaying and Neutering Pets

Connor Hawkins

Many new pet owners plan on spaying or neutering their animals, though there are several questions associated with the topic. You may wonder how your animal 's personality will be affected, along with logistical aspects of the procedure. Your veterinarian will be a wonderful source for details specific to your animal, though basic questions can be answered here. 

Will My Pet's Personality Change?

While it is true that you may notice some changes in your pet, you will likely appreciate them. For example, if you get your male pet neutered just before he reaches sexual maturity, then he will experience a decrease in testosterone. This could potentially result in a decrease of territorial behaviors and aggression. Females usually try to find a mate when they are in heat, sometimes to the point of breaking down fences or gates in order to get out. Once your female pet is spayed you will find that they do not have that drive to roam. Some people have also noticed that pets that have been spayed and neutered often get along better with any other animals that are in the home, though this is not always the case. 

When Can the Procedure Take Place?

Most animals should be neutered right before they reach sexual maturity. It is a good idea to do the procedure before they reach maturity so that their little bodies will not surge with as many hormones. Sex hormones are one of the main reasons that animals act erratically once they get over 6 months of age. Technically animals as young as 8 weeks can have the surgeries performed, though most animal shelters will wait until they are around 4 months old. 

How Do I Know If My Pet Is Ready?

You can know your pet is ready for the surgery when they are just starting to exhibit signs of sexual maturity including but not limited to: roaming, aggression, and marking. We have already discussed roaming and aggression, but marking territory is another big sign. If your male dog begins to lift his leg to urinate and feels the need to urinate on many things during walks, its time. 

In conclusion, spaying or neutering your pet is nothing to be afraid of. By doing so you are ensuring that you are a responsible pet owner and they will not be an irresponsible pet parent. Talk to your veterinarian for more details on your animal's circumstances. 


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Pet Health: What You Need to Know

Whether you have had a pet cat for years or you just bought a new fish tank filled with fish for your children, you likely enjoy learning more about your favorite animals and how you can help keep them in good health. We created this website to help pet owners like you learn more about their beloved pets healthcare needs. We plan to post the answers to many of your pet health-related questions on this website, such as how to choose the right food for your fish, how to encourage your indoor cat to exercise when they need to lose a pound or two, and how to know when your dog's strange behavior may signal an illness. If you cannot find the answers to your pet health questions here, we hope you can use our resources to find the answers elsewhere.
